39 Essex Chambers is a leading barristers’ chambers with offices in London, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. Chambers is made up of 159 barristers, of whom 56 are King’s Counsel, along with a staff team of 48.
Chamber's barristers work in a wide range of sectors and practice areas of law, specialising in Commercial, Construction, Civil Liability, Sport, Planning, Environment, Property and Public Law. Chambers works throughout the UK and internationally, aiming to provide an excellent, efficient service to all of our clients, giving sound practical advice and explaining legal issues in clear terms. Chambers is friendly, approachable and work as a team with our clients and their other professional advisers. Our barristers and staff are committed to equality and fairness in all aspects of their work.
Chambers expects to offer up to 40 mini-pupillage places each year. Minis at 39 Essex Chambers are not assessed and the application consists solely of a written application.
Chambers is currently setting their application window for 2023 minis, and this page will be updated with relevant details as soon as possible
39 Essex Chambers aims to recruit up to 3 pupils each year and applicants do not need to have previously completed a mini-pupillage at Chambers to be considered. Each pupil will sit with four different supervisors, completing “seats” in public law, environment and planning, commercial and construction and personal injury and clinical negligence.
Application Process
Chamber's recruits exclusively through the Pupillage Gateway.
Pupillage Award
Chamber's pupillage award is £70,000 of which £5,000 will be by way of guaranteed earnings in the second six months. The pupillage award is payable in equal instalments across the 12-month pupillage. During the second six month period in which pupils are “on their feet” they may earn more than the £5,000 guaranteed earnings, taking their income above £70,000: the focus, however remains on training rather than earning during the pupillage year.
Up to £15,000 of the £70,000 award may be drawn down in advance over the Bar Professional Training Course year and/or for relevant postgraduate study in the year before the commencement of pupillage (with pro rata reductions in instalments during the pupillage year).

Diversity and Inclusion
Chambers participates in a range of outreach initiatives aimed at improving diversity at the Bar: Bridging the Bar, The Sutton Trust, 10,000 Black Interns, BDABar, Inner Temple PASS, TCC Insight Day, Freebar Charter. Internally, Chambers has a mentoring programme to assist with continued carrier development and support. 39 Essex Chambers is also working on multiple projects to assist with greater inclusion of disabled barristers including looking at the accessibility of courts.
Diversity and inclusion is an important part of Chambers revamped recruitment process for staff; this process now incorporates new advertising platforms, anonymised shortlisting and fair recruitment training for all those involved. This has vastly improved the diversity at all stages of the recruitment process
Chambers is fully wheelchair accessible with no call ahead required for wheelchair users. Chambers is also a disability confident employer.
Chambers does not currently cover expenses for mini-pupils, however this policy is under review and this page will be updated with any relevant changes.