Our Vision
Bridging the Bar’s vision for the future is a society where the Bar is accessible for everyone regardless of race, sex, class or other characteristics.

Who We Help
We are committed to increasing the equality of access to opportunities in the legal profession across all underrepresented groups. We help students who, owing to their disability, ethnic background, socio-economic background, education, sexuality or other characteristic belong to groups which are statistically underrepresented in the profession.
A Breakdown of the Bar

Students applying for pupillage vs Students securing pupillage (2020)
LawCareers.Net Record number of aspiring barristers enrol on bar course
Data obtained from the BSB (30 June 2020)

Ethnic breakdown of pupil barristers
LawCareers.Net BSB statistics on BAME attainment: “Diversity at the Bar 2019”

Ethnic breakdown of BAME pupil barristers (2019)
BSB statistics on BAME attainment: “Diversity at the Bar 2019”

Employed disabled people vs Disabled barristers (2019)
BSB statistics on BAME attainment: ”Diversity at the Bar 2019”

Pupil barristers declaring their educational background (educated in the UK)
BSB statistics on BAME attainment: “Diversity at the Bar 2019”

Pupil barristers declaring their sexual orientation
BSB statistics on BAME attainment: “Diversity at the Bar 2019”
Support Us
Join over 70 chambers, 26 sponsorship partners and over 300 barristers and members of the judiciary in supporting BTB to achieve our vision for a society where the Bar is accessible for everyone regardless of race, sex, class or other characteristic.